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Network stabilisation


Balancing peaks in the distribution network in cases of extraordinary surplus or loss of energy is one of the biggest problems faced by energy companies providing electricity to cities and towns.


With the development of Renewable Energy Sources such as solar, wind and other power plants, the distribution network is becoming highly erratic and frequent blackouts are occurring.


A cheaper solution than the existing pumped storage plants and substations are large battery storage systems which, with their fast response time of 40 milliseconds, can react immediately to these situations and supply or store large amounts of energy for the necessary time.


Island systems


The growing trend of reducing the cost of photovoltaic panels, wind farms and other renewable energy sources is causing an increase in the number of completely autonomous small communities or businesses that are independent of electricity supplies from the central grid.


The final missing link in this green energy production and consumption is the battery, which stores excess energy produced during the day for nighttime operation or serves as a backup source in case of power shortages.


"Off-grid" systems are also being installed in areas where electricity has not yet been installed or where it has been very expensive to build a distribution network to parts of the world that have very inaccessible terrain.


Back-up power sources


One of the most commonly used backup sources is the diesel generator. Its main disadvantages include slow start-up resulting in system failure for several minutes, high noise and greenhouse gas emissions.


A battery backup power supply can provide electricity faster than the failure of electronic equipment. It is also a completely silent and emission-free source of electricity.


The applicability of battery storage is mainly in key infrastructure of the state, hospitals, military, railways, back-up systems of banking houses and important communication networks (telecommunication towers, traffic monitoring, etc.).


Charging systems for houses and residential buildings

By placing a battery of sufficient capacity, it will not be necessary to increase /or a significantly smaller increase in the value of the main circuit breaker in the RD/OD after the placement of the charging stations


Reinforcement of the grid in areas with a high concentration of cars

Charging stations at traffic arteries where it is unlikely to be possible to draw power only from the existing grid

Charging stations - shopping centres

Charging stations in residential areas where the existing grid capacity will not be sufficient

Contact :


Main Office


Magna Energy Storage a.s.

Pařížská 68/9, Josefov,

110 00 Prague 1


Contact for electronic invoicing:

Distribution partner for the Czech Republic:


Battery Corporation a.s.

Na Moráni 1957/5

Prague 2- Nové město

128 00 Praha

+420 602 209 699

Partner dystrybucjny na PL:

Magna Energy Storage Trade Poland P.S.A.

ul. Francuská 186

40-507 Katowice


+48 692 330 724


Distribution partner for PL:


Magna Energy Storage Trade Poland P.S.A.

186 Francuská Str.

40-507 Katowice


+48 692 330 724


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