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About Us

Magna Energy Storage a.s.

Magna Energy Storage a.s. was established in May 2017 with the aim of building a new plant for the production of high-capacity HE3DA® batteries in the Industrial Zone František, Horní Suchá.


It is a purely Czech joint stock company with no foreign capital participation. The company's organisation is traditional, dualistic (the Board of Directors as the statutory body and the Supervisory Board as the controlling body).


HE3DA s.r.o. granted Magna Energy Storage a.s. the rights to use its patents. On the basis of these patents, Magna Energy Storage a.s. will manufacture the revolutionary HE3DA® 3D batteries developed by Czech scientist and inventor ing. Jan Procházka, which are suitable for many applications, but especially for energy storage.

The first fully automated pilot production line for HE3DA® 3D batteries with a production capacity of 10 MWh per year was commissioned in December 2016 in Prague - Letňany.  The production technology was tested and the production processes were set up. Lessons learned from the development of this line and the production processes used will be applied to the production technology with a capacity of 1.2 GWh per year. The entire production process will be automated to the maximum extent possible and the entire plant will be operated in three-shift operation by approximately 100 workers.


The production process and technological know-how will be provided by Exelsior Engineering a.s., which has many years of experience in the development and supply of lines for complex technological processes such as plastics recycling, plastics regranulation, filling lines for etc.

Magna Energy Storage Project

Magna Energy Storage (M.E.S.) is a project that responds to the increased global demand for Li-ion batteries. This increased demand is driven by the significant reduction in the cost of the photovoltaic panels needed to build photovoltaic power plants, and the fact that overall there is also a shift away from traditional electricity generation (such as nuclear or fossil fuel generation) and towards renewable electricity generation (such as solar or wind power).



However, these new energy sources place increased demands on the distribution network, which is often subject to large fluctuations with the threat of blackouts. The lack of a battery to enable economic large-scale energy storage is currently a barrier to the further development of the energy sector and renewable energy generation.


HE3DA® technology provides a solution to this problem, which is why the M.E.S project aims to build a new plant to produce these high capacity HE3DA® batteries.



Magna Energy Storage a.s. will build the first production plant in the Industrial Zone František, Horní Suchá, Czech Republic, with a capacity of 1.2 GWh per year, and is ready to expand production further.

The key partners are EXELSIOR ENGINEERING a.s., which will provide Magna Energy Storage a.s. with the necessary technological know-how, and HE3DA s.r.o., which owns the patents and deals exclusively with research and development in the field of technology and its application in production and practice.


The newly built production plant will house production technology with an annual production capacity of 1200 MWh. The production technology will be supplied by EXELSIOR ENGINEERING a.s.


This production technology will be located in a separate production hall with connection to the necessary infrastructure, such as dry air production, production of active materials, baking of ceramic separators, etc.


The plant under construction will also include the preparation of active materials based on graphite nanoparticles - for the Anode and NMC (Lithium Nickel Manganate Cobalt) nanoparticles - for the Cathode (other material components are trade secrets).


The process equipment required for the production of these active materials will be installed in a separate part of the plant. The necessary know-how will be supplied and leased by HE3DA Ltd. This production is crucial for the correct set-up and operation of the HE3DA® battery itself. The facility is important to ensure the independence of the production plant from potential suppliers of active materials and at the same time it will allow the know-how to be better preserved. The preparation of the nanomaterials and its process will be controlled and tested by the quality control department.


The preparation and control of the nanomaterials will include an in-house laboratory for rapid testing and analysis of these materials. In this laboratory, the active materials will be tested and assayed prior to application in the battery itself.


The production technology, with a capacity of 1.2 GWh per year, will be completely flexible and will be able to produce batteries with different capacities from 0.5 KWh to 50 KWh, with a voltage of 4.1 V, while maintaining an annual production capacity of 1200 MWh.


The lower capacity batteries will be primarily intended for domestic, small and medium-sized industrial use.

The larger capacity batteries will be primarily intended for large-scale energy storage, grid stabilisation, grid frequency regulation. Trial production is scheduled to begin in mid-2019.

Contact :


Main Office


Magna Energy Storage a.s.

Pařížská 68/9, Josefov,

110 00 Prague 1


Contact for electronic invoicing:

Distribution partner for the Czech Republic:


Battery Corporation a.s.

Na Moráni 1957/5

Prague 2- Nové město

128 00 Praha

+420 602 209 699

Partner dystrybucjny na PL:

Magna Energy Storage Trade Poland P.S.A.

ul. Francuská 186

40-507 Katowice


+48 692 330 724


Distribution partner for PL:


Magna Energy Storage Trade Poland P.S.A.

186 Francuská Str.

40-507 Katowice


+48 692 330 724


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